გვერდი განკუთვნილია IBSU_ს თანამშრომლებისთვის.
აღწერა იმისთვის, რომ მიიღოთ წვდომა ტესტებზე, გთხოვთ შეავსოთ რეგისტრაციის ფორმა.
Description International Black Sea University offers the advice, recommendations and practical exercises of successful specialists in various professions for career planning. In order to get access to the relevant material,...
IBSU Assistant Professor Nato Pachuashvili presented her debut book "The Book Wanderer," outlining its important topics and reading extracts. Attendees participated in a literary discussion and listened to reader impressions...
The First Step in Architecture, the brainchild of the IBSU Architecture Program, aims to introduce the basics of the architecture profession. The project helps participants understand the design steps from...
Scopus, an international database that specializes in indexing and citation of scientific articles, ranked International Black Sea University second among Georgian private universities. Among the top 15 most influential articles...
Debate Championship School Of Architecture Digital School American Studies Basics Of Business Journalism For Pupils Art of Negotiation State Organization Mock Trial
Description Requirements set for entrants/students with the right to study without passing the unified national exams Full information can be found in the Order of the Minister of Education and...
The university's grant scheme only applies to Georgian nationals, hence the content is solely in Georgian.