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Workshop – Go Online: Boosting Interaction Using Digital Tools

IBSU lecturer Nato Pachuashvili conducted a workshop on "Go Online: Boosting Interaction Using Digital Tools." The workshop participants were introduced to digital devices that provide a powerful interactive environment for...

IBSU students attended U.S. Embassy event

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, IBSU MA Students of the Digital Media and Communication program, Avtandil Zarnadze and Mariam Bibilashvili participated in media attaché John Ferri-led event, organized...

IBSU radio has resumed live broadcasting

Happy World Free Press Day! IBSU radio has resumed live broadcasting. Effective today, the student radio will operate around-the-clock. The journalism students will provide listeners with live news and discuss...

IBSU hosted Polonia University lecturer

As part of the Erasmus+ project, IBSU hosted Dr. Jacek Wiatrowski from Polonia University. The invited guest delivered a lecture to Law and State Governance School students on the topic "The Constitutional...

IBSU project “First Step in Architecture” launches

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Public lecture – “What is digital marketing?”

Salome Ivaniadze, the director of the creative company IVAKNOWS, delivered a public lecture on the topic of "What is digital marketing? How can you get a job in digital professions?"...

IBSU Lingo Quest holds Lingodyssey

To celebrate International English Language Day, the IBSU language club Lingo Quest held another educational and entertaining game called Lingodyssey, with IBSU students and English Philology program lecturers participating in it....

IBSU hosted 12th grade students of Tsikhisdziri School on Open Door Day

IBSU-მ მცხეთის რაიონის სოფელ ციხისძირის საჯარო სკოლის მე-12 კლასის მოსწავლეებს ღია კარის დღეზე უმასპინძლა. 🔹 პიარისა და მარკეტინგის დეპარტამენტის უფროსმა, თამარ შოშიაშვილმა მოსწავლეებს უნივერსიტეტის საგანმანათლებლო პროგრამები, გრანტები, შეღავათები და შეთავაზებები...

IBSU, Moldovan Technical University sign MOC

Organized by Research Projects and Innovations Office, IBSU hosted Viorica Lupu, Director at the Republican ScientificAgricultural Library of the Technical University of Moldova, and her colleague Ina Nikuta. Viorika Lupu...