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Management (Georgian Language) Management (English Language) Marketing (Georgian Language) Marketing (English Language) Finance (Georgian Language) Finance (English Language) Accounting and Audit (Georgian Language) Accounting and Audit (English Language) Business Administration (English Language) Tourism (Georgian Language) Tourism (English Language) Economics

Journal of Technical Science and Technologies Journal of Technical Science and Technologies (JTST) is an International Peer-Reviewed Academic journal publishing articles in a large variety of technical science, including mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, information technology, and engineering. JTST publishes the results

Research Focus The direction of Information carries out research in the following areas: Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Robotics, New trends in Programming, Data Mining and Optimizations. The academic staff participates in various conferences concerning these issues, their papers are published

IBSU-ს საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების ოფისი - www.iro.ibsu.edu.ge IBSU-ს კარიერული დაგეგმვის დეპარტამენტი - www.cpc.ibsu.edu.ge IBSU-ს კურსდამთავრებულები - www.alumni.ibsu.edu.ge IBSU-ს კლუბები - www.clubs.ibsu.edu.ge International Education Center - www.iec.gov.ge Freelance (employment) platform - www.ido.ge Financing Search Engine - www.progeorgia.ge Find Scholarships and grants to finance your study - www.scholarshipportal.com Freelancer is a global crowd sourcing marketplace - www.freelancer.com Summer Schools in Europe.eu

Accreditation All educational programmes of International Black Sea University are accredited. Accreditation is a type of external evaluation mechanism, which determines the compatibility of an educational programme with standards. State funding goes only to accredited programmes. Accreditation is mandatory for doctoral programmes