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Dear Students, Join the Public Talk “The Importance of Enterprise for Georgia” by well-acknowledged British entrepreneur, businessman, Philanthropist and Author Stephen Fear, Founder of Fear Group, on 15 October, 2018 at Technopark. Highlights of talk: • Importance of thoughtful enterprise, and entrepreneurs in

,,Named after Luka Asatiani's Scholarship for successful students,'' The scholarship will be awarded to students of the first and second cycle of educational programs who were registered at the time of enrollment at higher education institutions. In the territory of Batumi

We are happy to announce the opening of application for ERASMUS+ scholarship for 2019 Spring Semester studies or internship in Germany. It is a full-funded project including 800 Euro monthly payment and 360 Euro travel grant. Applicants are expected to: Send CV Send

On October 8-9 the Faculty of Business Management hosted a training session of Prof. Dr Lazzare Rukundwa Sebiterenko _ "Theology of Work". Prof. Dr LAZARE RUKUNDWA SEBITEREKO is International Expert, Professor of Theology of Work at Bakke Graduate University The

Project intends to bring about a transfer of knowledge to foster close ties between universities and industry. Supported by DAAD with funds of Federal Ministry of economic cooperation and development (BMZ). This semester under the scope of this project following two events