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The Faculty of Business Management hosted Dr. Marcin Ocieszak from Kozminski University in Poland on May 1, 2018 in the frame of Visegrad project: EU Integration and Financial Market Reforms in Visegrad Countries. Dr. Ocieszak delivered a seminar about EU Integration

On April 28, Hackathon with Raspberry Pi was held at the International Black Sea University in the fraework of DAAD project. Students from IBSU and GTU participated in the hackathon. German professor Mario Neugebauer delivered a workshop for participants of

26 აპრილიდან 4 მაისის ჩათვლით DAAD-ისა და Erasmus+-ის წარმომაგენლები პროექტის "ყირგიზეთსა და საქართველოში პრაქტიკაზე ორიენტირებული სწავლის გავრცელება" ფარგლებში გეგმავენ ვიზიტს საქართველოში. ვიზიტის განმავლობაში ჩატარდება შემდეგი ღონისძიებები სტუდენტებისა და პროფესორებისათვის: ცვიკაუს უნივერსიტეტის, Erasmus+-ისა და DAAD-ის პრეზენტაცია - წარმომადგენლები შეხვდებიან სტუდენტებს, რექტორს

Faculty of Computer Technologies and Engineering holds Summer School from 2013. In scope of Summer School pupils learn subjects, in which they are interested. We offer various courses: Web programming, English language, Graphic Design etc. Courses are conducted in Georgian

On April 2 the Faculty of Business Management hosted the meeting with International Relations Officer of Institute of Technology Carlow - Ms. Rachel Ni Neill, who gave the presentation about the above-mentioned institution and its educational programs. IT Carlow is

Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual program dedicated to inspiring K-12 students to take interest in computer science. This Global Project is organized by non-profit organization Code.org.  Event is supported by 350 partners and 100,000 educators worldwide. For already two