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General Introduction  Law Faculty ensures providing quality education on BA and MA levels. Academic and invited staff at the faculty are highly qualified professionals and their work includes teaching along with scientific-research component. The faculty actively cooperates with higher educational institutions,

Law Faculty of International Black Sea University annually invites 10th, 11th and 12th graders to participate in Winter School. The purpose of Winter School is to provide students with systematic knowledge about different fields of law and their peculiarities, also –

The Law Clinic (hereinafter referred to as the "Clinic") is a teaching-educational structural unit of the Faculty and its main goal is to develop practical skills for students as well as their ability of legal thinking, legal problem solving, professional

"I'm a student at International Black Sea University!" - I say these words proud and with enthusiasm, because studying here is a golden opportunity of self-realization and development. The main reason for enrolling at this university was a wide range