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Please send an abstract (about 100 words) to Tea Chumburidze e-mail:tchumburidze@ibsu.edu.ge; The paper presenters are kindly asked to restrict their presentations to 10-20 minutes followed by 5 minutes for discussion led by the chair of the session. Each session will therefore have

Conference Date:  November 20, 2017 Conference Themes:  The Conference will focus on a broad range of topics related to education and research on American Studies. Considering the theme of the conference, a paper with any of the following or related subjects would be

The aim of the conference is to encourage researchers’ contribution in various areas of American Studies: history, politics, women’s studies, psychology, language, philosophy, geography, education, art, religion, law, economy, healthcare, etc.

BA English Philology BA American Studies MA in American Studies MA in US. Foreign Affairs MA in Turkish Philology MA Education Management MA in English Language Teaching MA in Higher Edu. Administration MA in English Philology MA in General Education Administration MA in Caucasian Studies Teacher Training Educational Program PhD in Education Sciences English

First (Bachelor’s) BA in American Studies BA in English Philology Second (Master’s) MA in English Philology MA in US Foreign Affairs MA in Higher Education Administration

BA English Philology BA American Studies MA in American Studies MA in US. Foreign Affairs MA in Turkish Philology MA Education Management MA in English Language Teaching MA in Higher Edu. Administration MA in English Philology MA in General Education Administration MA in Caucasian Studies PhD in Education Sciences English Language Teaching ** Education Management ** PhD