IBSU hosted an event dedicated to Georgia’s Independence Day
IBSU hosted an event dedicated to Georgia's Independence Day. This included an Essay Competition Award Ceremony and a concert featuring IBSU Dance and Folk Song Ensembles and IBSU Bands. The Essay Competition revealed three outstanding writers and the top ten out of
IBSU hosts training on Becoming a Front-end Developer
Devexperts trainer, and front-end developer, Oleg Chervontsev, delivered a lecture at IBSU on the topic "Become a Front-End Developer: Skills, Trends, and Career Path." The trainer thoroughly presented the students with one of the most dynamic fields of software development.
IBSU hosts public lecture – Flow & Dream Job
Organized by the initiative group of Public Administration and State Governance students, IBSU hosted a public lecture on "Flow & Dream Job - how to find the desired job.' The public lecture, held under the Promotion of Internship project, was led by
IBSU hosts voluntary blood donation campaign
The Blood Centre and the International Black Sea University collaborated to hold a voluntary blood donation campaign for the second time, with IBSU employees and students participating. The donated blood will be delivered to 20 hospitals across Georgia. The Blood Centre and
(Geo) მოკლევადიანი სადოქტორო კვლევითი მობილობა საფრანგეთში
მოკლევადიანი სადოქტორო კვლევითი მობილობა საფრანგეთში 2023-2024 ფრანგულ-ქართული უნივერსიტეტი აცხადებს ქართველი დოქტორანტებისთვის კვლევით მობილობას 2 თვის ვადით საფრანგეთის უნივერსიტეტებსა და კვლევით დაწესებულებებში. დოქტორანტებისთვის სტიპენდიის ოდენობა შეადგენს 2100 ევროს 2 თვის განმავლობაში. სტიპენდიები ფარავს მოგზაურობისა და ცხოვრების ხარჯების ნაწილს, ან მთლიანად, საფრანგეთში კვლევის პერიოდში.
Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics holds simulated process at IBSU
Journalism BA program students attended a simulated process of the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics at IBSU. The Charter representatives mentored the simulated process and demonstrated a controversial story aired on one of the TV channels. The guests were divided into three groups: one defended
IRO organized Dusheti Cultural Trip for international students
As part of an annual cultural trips and excursions program, the International Relations Office (IRO) organized a Cultural Trip to Dusheti, the Northern-East part of Georgia's capital Tbilisi, for its international students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Fiji, Turkey, Greece, and Azerbaijan. During
(Geo) ჩინეთის სიჩუანია პროვინციის უნივერსიტეტმა სასწავლო სასტიპენდიო პროგრამები გამოაცხადა
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IBSU hosted Head of Department of Human Rights Education of Public Defender’s Office
International Black Sea University hosted Gvantsa Davitashvili, the head of the Department of Human Rights Education of the Public Defender's Office. The guest presented the Public Defender's practice and recommendations regarding human rights education, as well as discussed the challenges of teaching human