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On April 17, International Black Sea University and British-Georgian Company Minusquare LLC agreed to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of fostering cooperation, mutual understanding and development in the field of education. The parties will organise different events

On April 13 the Faculty of Business Management started the project “My Business Key”. The goal of the project is to share experience of university life with school pupils, to present the faculty learning courses and to develop analytic, decision

For the first time, this year, 4 senior year students of tourism bachelor's program will go to the Familien Wellness Hotel Seeklause, near the city of Schwimmer, in Golhen, Germany, in the framework of 10 credit obligations, where they will

4th of April, 2019 PAICKT (Project of Academic Integrity in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Turkey) Representatives visited International Black Sea University. Administrative and Academic Staff Members of the Faculty of Business Management, Director of IPS (Institute of Postgraduate Studies) and

On February 24, with the initiative of Consulting Company TBSC and co-organizing of five Higher Education Institutes was held "Georgian Business Case Competition" at Tech Park. International Black Sea University won the Business Case Competition! From the Faculty of Business Management of