(Geo) მოსწავლეთა ზამთრის მე-11 ოლიმპიადა ინფორმატიკაში – შედეგები
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(Geo) ზამთრის მე-11 ოლიმპიადის საცდელ და ძირითად ტურებზე შესასვლელი ბმულები
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Erasmus+ Exchange Program at European Business School ISAG (Portugal)
European Business School ISAG (Portugal) announced the Erasmus+ Exchange Program for the students of the School of Business School School of Law and State Governance. Semester: Fall (September -January) Deadline: 29.03.2024 Contact: iro@ibsu.edu.ge
(Geo) საქართველოს მოსწავლეთა ზამთრის XI ოლიმპიადა ინფორმატიკაში იწყება
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Belgian Summer School announced a 10-day programme
Belgian Summer School (EPHEC) announced a 10-day programme intended for international students willing to boost their business skills, enhance their knowledge of this strategic issue and help them to gain a better understanding of the challenges in Sustainability. Credits: 5 ECTS Period:
Fuat Karaev’s Public Defense of Ph.D. Dissertation
On February 21, 2024, at 15:00, Public Defense of Ph.D. Dissertation - “Efficient Business Models and Organizational Performance for the Georgian Beverage Industry” by Fuat Karaev will be held in the IBSU Conference Hall (Building A, room N 101). The Thesis is
Latvian universities announced state scholarships
Latvian universities announced state scholarships and summer school for students, and academic and research staff of higher education institutions for the academic year 2024/2025. Application deadline: 1 April 2024 Scholarship info: https://www.viaa.gov.lv/en/latvian-state-scholarships. Summer school info https://www.viaa.gov.lv/en/summer-schools. Program list: www.studyinlatvia.lv iro@ibsu.edu.ge
Dreamscape is accepting creative writings
Vitascope’s sister publication "Dreamscape" is accepting creative writings. If you are full of desire to write creative short stories, poems, or any type of impressive writing, do not hesitate to raise a pen! Dreamscape is the perfect place for your unique voice.
(Geo) ლიუბლიანას უნივერსიტეტის ეკონომიკისა და ბიზნესის სკოლის საზაფხულო სკოლა აცხადებს მიღებას
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Vitascope is accepting articles
Operating under the English Philology, B.A. programme, IBSU’s student magazine, Vitascope, will give you an opportunity to investigate academic fields such as literature, education, art, culture, and psychology. Article submission deadline: 8 March Click here for the article criteria: https://bit.ly/3HwAY6T vitascope@ibsu.edu.ge