(Geo) კომერციული მედიაციის ეროვნული შეჯიბრი
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“Electronic Knowledge Management Trends and the Use of International Databases in the Resea...
The workshop is in Georgian, hence the information is available in Georgian. Please follow
IBSU is organizing Administrative Law Forum
The event work language is English, hence if you are curious about the event details please follow the link
Online public lecture – “EU Law and Association Agreement”
Online public lecture - "EU Law and Association Agreement” IBSU Faculty of Law is organizing an online public lecture - "EU Law and Association Agreement” on December 8 at 7:00 p.m. The lectu...
We would like to remind you that the competition of articles continues until December 3, 2021, fo...
Hello, We would like to remind you that the competition of articles continues until December 3, 2021, for the fourth (December) issue of the international scientific journal "Law Herald". The...
(Geo) საჯარო სამსახურის ბიურო იწყებს სტაჟირების სახელმწიფო პროგრამის მე-15 ნაკადს
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