-Perspectives and challenges of sustainable economic growth in the Caucasus Region;
-Unemployment and labor mobility within the region.
International Relations and Political Science
-The Caucasus: Challenges to regional security
-“Frozen Conflicts” of the Caucasus Region – challenges and resolution agenda;
-Threat of terrorism to the regional stability in the Caucasus;
-Caucasus and the European integration;
-Presence of international organizations in the Caucasus;
-Small states in international relations;
-South Caucasus Neighborhood Policy.
Public Administration and State Governance
-Public sector reforms across the Caucasus: best practices and challenges;
-Open Government Partnership in the Caucasus (Improving Public Services, Increasing Public Integrity, More –Effectively Managing Public Resources, Creating Safer Communities);
-Civic Engagement in Public Policy-making in the Caucasus region;
-Political system: general trends of development the presidential and parliamentary governance;
-Party politics: nature of political parties and party systems;
-Democratization and authoritarianism: challenges for democracy and authoritarianism empowering tendencies;
-Election systems, behavior of electorate and political communication;
-Political culture, political involvement, activism and social movements.
-Freedom of expression and challenges to regional media;
-Media ethics in the region;
-Information challenges related to the EU integration in Georgian Media.
Interdisciplinary Section
-General trends of sustainable development in the Caucasus Region;
-Gender issues in the Caucasus Region;
-Migration process in and out of the Caucasus Region;
-Family and Marriage;
-Deviation and the crime;
-Education and the challenges related with it in the Caucasus Region;
-Conflicts and their resolution;
-Cultural Transformation in South Caucasus.