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The Round Table Discussion on “Reducing a Number of Self-governing Towns – Pros and Cons of the Initiative”

School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences

The round table discussion on “reducing a number of self-governing towns – pros and cons of the initiative took place on 10 May – organized by the initiative of Public Administration and State Governance Program.  Various experts of relevant fields and Public Administration and State Governance Program students took part in the discussion.

The students of Public Administration and State Governance Program have demonstrated a joint position on this initiative and reviewed pros and cons of the anticipated change, which in turn was challenged by the dissented opinions put forward by the field specialists. The discussion topics related to cancelation of the status of administrative units, history of changes in various self-governing bodies, election-staffing procedures of various institutions and etc.,
The round table discussion with the students was led by Davit Melua – Executive Director of National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALAG), Sandro Svanisvhili – Expert in Local Self-Governance Issues, Koka Kiguradze – Executive Director of Management Systems Development Center, Liza Sofromadze – Head of Regional Development Center, Nino Loladze – Representative of Regional Development Center,  Tengiz Shergelashvili – Former Deputy Minister of Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia and Expert in Local Self-Governance Issues.
Invited participants have uphold some of the arguments suggested by the students, whilst students had an opportunity to listen to opposing arguments as well.
An agreement of understanding and cooperation between the International Black Sea University and the Regional Development Center was signed in the framework of this meeting. The document supports
the Social Sciences Faculty Ba and MA students’ practical engagement in relevant fields and cooperation in various educational activities.