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On 22nd of December 2018, Marketing Summit was opened in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. This international event gathered many interesting Marketers from Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey. International Black Sea University was represented on this Marketing Summit by its delegation:

On December 05 of 1980 United Nations Conference adopted “UN multilaterally agreed equitable principles and rules for the control of restrictive business Practices”. In 2010 5 December was announced as World Competition Day (WCD). Since then to celebrate WCD many

Dr. Besik Dundua obtained a research grant (see the abstract of the project below) from Rustaveli foundation and seeking a research assistant to include in the project. Duration of the project is 2 years and the total salary is 9000

From 18 to 23 November, 2018, Faculty of Business management at IBSU is hosting 10 Polish students and Professor Mrs. Monika Sady from Cracow University of Economics. On the framework of the visit Polish students and their Professor will have an

The second B2B exhibition, initiated by CSRDG, held on November 15th. The event aims at initiating and deepening business relationships among Social Enterprises and leading business organizations, promoting concept of SE and contributing to the development of social entrepreneurship in Georgia. This

Attention!!! Dear students, We would like to inform you that International Relations Office (IRO) will hold a meeting with students regarding exchange programs for spring semester.The meeting will be interactive and you will be able to get the complete answers to all

Training project “Basics of Business” opened its next group on November 6, 2018. The Project participants were welcomed by the coordinator of the project, Tamuna Papaskiri, also Vice Dean at the Faculty of Business Management, Coordinator of BA and MA