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Vision and Mission

Law and State Governance School


Quality higher education is one of the most important factors for building rule of law and justice based society. Healthy development of a society is mostly dependent on the quality and accessibility of education. The input of the Law Faculty in this process is to ensure bringing up qualified, competitive professionals with the skills corresponding to the challenges of modern world.


Our mission is to prepare university educated alumnus corresponding to contemporary standards of education, create such environment for learning and research, which provides them with the skills to adapt any environment, suitably meet challenges of the modern world.

Modern methods of teaching will shape students’ skills of creative thinking, which will be useful not only in the professional field, but in decision making in the general social field. At the same time, we should emphasize, that one of the parts of the process is inviting professional local and international staff and through this, ensuring the quality at its finest. A part of the mission is to ensure administration of student oriented and flexible study process.