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International Black Sea University is an authorised higher education institution.

Authorisation is the instrument for external evaluation of compatibility of an institution with standards, certifying internal (self) evaluation. Authorisation is obligatory for all types of educational institutions in order to carry out educational activities and to issue an educational document approved by the state.

Based on the mission of the educational institutions the authorisation procedure shall establish the compatibility of an educational institution with the following standards:

  1. Educational programmes;
  2. Material resources;
  3. Human resources.

Authorisation Standards for Higher Education Institution Educational Programmes

The standard is met when:

a) Each educational programme, which is approved by the authorised body of the institution, sets out programme mission, learning outcomes, methodology and relevant qualification. Programme is made up according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), has coherent structure, provides for the system of evaluation of students, which is envisaged by law in force, relevant programmes of study courses (syllabuses);

b) The institution maintains the description of educational programmes (catalogue) providing the information concerning the institution, awarded qualifications, purposes, learning outcomes of a relevant educational programme, credits and evaluation procedures;

c) The learning outcomes of an educational programme are described through field-specific and generic competences and are in line with Higher Education Qualifications Framework and specific sectoral standards;

d) The institution has in place the rules and procedures for the acquisition, suspension and termination of the status of a student for each cycle of higher education, as well as the rules and procedures of student mobility and recognition of acquired education;

e) The institution ensures the transparency of choice envisaged by an educational programme;

f) The institution has in place the system of provision of further education to the students of relevant programme in the case modification or cancellation of an educational programme;

g) An educational programme is carried out by academic staff, teachers, scientists or visiting staff of adequate qualification;

h) The institution has in place the system of evaluation of the implementation of an educational programme, the results of which are used for the improvement of the quality of the study processThe institution maintains the description of educational programmes (catalogue) providing the information concerning the institution, awarded qualifications, purposes, learning outcomes of a relevant educational programme, credits and evaluation procedures;


Material Resources

The standard is met when:

a) An institution owns or possesses material resources, which are used for the attainment of the goals of the institution and are adequate to educational and research programmes, amongst them:

      a.a) premises of 400 square meters of area at a single address;

      a.b) adequately equipped study area, amongst them, computer hardware with adequate software;

b) The structure and duties of structural subdivisions of the institution ensure carrying out of activities, envisaged by the institution mission;

c) The institution has adequate environment necessary for carrying out the educational process: uninterruptable power supply system, water closets, natural lighting and heating system;

d) The institution safeguards the safety and health of the staff and students, to what end it has:

      d.a) fire safety systems and fire fighting equipment;

      d.b) evacuation plan, posted on a visible place;

      d.c) medical aid media;

     d.d) mechanisms for ensuring order.

e) Institution environment is adapted to the requirements of students with special educational needs;

f) Material resources, including computer hardware with software adequate for educational programmes and the Internet is accessible for students and academic staff;

g) Information and communication technologies are used both for educational and research purposes and also for the management of the institution;

h) The institution library stock (both printed and on electronic media) is compatible with literature mentioned in the programmes of study courses (syllabuses) of an educational programme; connection to international electronic library network is also ensured;

i) The institution has library catalogue, library rules and adequately equipped reading hall;

j) The institution acts and correspondence are adequately accounted for and registered.

k) The webpage of the institution serves both informative and communication purposes; it contains contact data, as well as other information concerning standards (structure of the institution, educational programmes, staff, electronic library catalogues, etc.). The data are updated on a regular basis as to ensure the interest of obtaining information within reasonable timelines;

l) The university budget provides for funding of scientific research activities;

m) An institution has long-term (six-year) and twelve-month action plans, which are based on the institution mission and also provide for efficient use and further improvement of material resources.


Human Resources of a Higher Education Institution

The standard is met when:

a) The qualifications of the academic staff, visiting staff, researchers and teachers of the institution are compatible with offices held by them;

b) For authorisation purposes, one full professor can be ascribed only to one university, or only to two teaching universities, or only to two colleges, or to a teaching university and a college, according to the choice of the professor; and an associate professor can be ascribed to two institutions according to the choice of the associate professor. Holding of the office of a full or associate professor by a full or associate professor at two or more institutions shall be verified through data of the register of the educational institutions;

c) The correlation between the number of students and the academic staff of the institution shall be established according to the type of the institution:

      c.a) at a college – at least one full, associate or assistant professor per 40 students, but not less than 10 professors;

      c.b) at a teaching university – in the case of implementation of maximum 5 educational programmes – at least one full or associate professor                 per 50 students, in the case of implementation of 6-12 educational programmes – at least one full or associate professor per 60 students,                and in the case of implementation of 12 and more educational programmes – at least one full or associate professor per 70 students; but not            less than 15 full, associate or assistant professors;

      c.c) at a university – in the case of implementation of maximum 11 educational programmes – at least one full or associate professor per 50                   students, in the case of implementation of 12-24 educational programmes – at least one full or associate professors per 60 students, in the              case of implementation of 24 and more educational programmes – at least one full or associate professor per 70 students; but not less than              25 full, associate or assistant professors.

d) An educational programme can not be implemented only by visiting staff, researchers or teachers;

e) The selection of the academic staff is based on the requirement of Georgian legislation and terms and conditions set out by the institution;

f) The employment agreements/appointment reports with the academic staff, visiting staff, researchers or teachers are executed commensurate with the procedure, envisaged by Georgian legislation.