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Faculty of Business Management Hosted ACCA-IBSU Joint Roundtable


On March 10, 2015 International Black Sea University hosted ACCA-IBSU Joint Roundtable“Big Data – its power and perils”.

 The event was organized in partnership with ACCA Ukraine, Baltic and South Caucasus Countries Regional Officeand with support of Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors.

In the event representatives of six different Georgian universities took part: Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Caucasus University, Georgian Technical University, University of Georgia, Georgian-American University, Sokhumi State University, Guram Tavartkiladze Teaching University. Among guests were IBSU graduates – ACCA members Mariam Machkhaneli and Elene Ramishvili.

The event was opened by the Rector of IBSU, prof. Ilyas Ciloglu, Director of Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors, Mr. Lavrenti Chumburidze and Finance Program Coordinatorof theInternational Black Sea University, Prof. Dr. Ketevan Lapachi. The results of the research “Big Data – its power and perils” were presented by Finance Program Student Mariam Gabadadze. Other presentations were made by Assoc. Prof. , Accounting and Audit Program Coordinator of the International Black Sea University, Sophio Khundadze and Director of Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors, Lavrenti Chumburidze.The presentations were followed by discussions.

At the end of the event guests were invited to the cocktail.


9.30-10.00     –   Registration of Participants


10.00-10.20   –  Opening of the event, welcoming speech by:

·         Ilyas Ciloglu-  Rector of the International Black Sea University

·         Ketevan Lapachi – Finance Program Coordinatorof theInternational Black Sea University

·         Lavrenti Chumburidze – Director of Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors

10.20-10.30   –  Welcoming video of Natalia Vovchuk,Director of ACCAUkraine, Baltic and South Caucasus Countries Regional Office



Presentation on ACCA -ს research outcomes “Big Data – its power and perils”, by Mariam Gabadadze, Finance Program Student



Academic Education and Professional Certification – Reality and Opportunities, Lavrenti Chumburidze, Director of Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors


11.10-11.40    Coffee Break



Futureof Finance Professions and Challenges of Higher Educational Institutions – Sophio Khundadze, Assoc. Prof. , Accounting and Audit Program Coordinator of the International Black Sea University.


12.00-12.30      Welcoming speechof Georgian partner universities


12.30-13.30      დისკუსია


13.30  –  Closing of the event


13.40  –  Lunch break