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Registration Form

The new ICDL is made up of a range of modules – each module provides a practical programme of up-to-date skills and knowledge areas, which are validated by a test.  New ICDL enables you to develop and certify your computer skills in the subject areas of your choosing and to the level that you need – either for work, or for day-to-day life. Through the module combination that you choose, you create your individual ICDL Profile.

The ICDL range of modules is categorised as Base modulesStandard modules and Advanced modules.

Endorsed Programmes

ICDL Foundation has endorsed a variety of programmes designed and created by other organisations for specific target groups.  These programmes often address specific requirements or demands in a particular country, while still adhering to the high standard of quality in content and operation set by ICDL Foundation.  Endorsed programmes are identifiable by their use of the ‘endorsed by ICDL Foundation' logo. Click here http://www.icdlasia.org/  to select an endorsed programme.

   Technology has changed – so should your skills

   Design an ICDL Profile to suit your needs 

   There’s never been a greater range of modules to choose from

   There’s no time limit – an ICDL Profile is for life

   Join the 13 million people worldwide who have chosen ICDL

– See more at: http://www.icdlasia.org/inaction


ICDL Products

Price (in GEL)

ICDL Registration





ICDL Candidate Registration Fee (Includes Initial Certification Fee)


ICDL Tests

ICDL Certification Test (per module)


ICDL Diagnostic Assessment (per module)


ICDL Manual Certification Test (per module)


ICDL Advanced Tests – Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Databases

ICDL Advanced Certification Test (per module)


ICDL Advanced Diagnostic Assessment (per module)


ICDL Certification

ICDL Certification Fee (for each additional certificate)




1.ICDL Candidate Registration Fee    is required to be paid   one time, after this payment candidate will get a unique candidate registration number (CRN) and all of the data for that candidate is stored in the Enliight KS Automated Testing System.The Candidate Registration Fee includes also first certification payment; second, third and next certification fee is 23 GEL, so it is better to take several modules at once.


1.ICDL კანდიდატის  რეგისტრაციის თანხა იხდება  ერთჯერადად,რის შედეგადაც კანდიდატი მიიღებს   კანდიდატის  რეგისტრაციის უნიკალურ  ნომერს (CRN) და  ყველა მონაცემი  ამ კანდიდატის შესახებ შეინახება   Enliight KS-ის ავტომატიზირებული ტესტირების სისტემაში,პირველი რეგისტრაციის გადასახადში შედის ასევე პირველი  სერტიფიკატის საფასური, ხოლო მეორე, მესამე და  შემდგომი სერტიფიკატების  საფასური შეადგენს 23 ლარს. ასე რომ, უმჯობესია თუკი კანდიდატი აიღებს რამოდენიმე მოდულს  ერთდროულად.


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Mail:  icdl@ibsu.edu.ge