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Completed Projects TEMPUS (http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/tempus/index_en.php) was one of the great opportunities that ended in 2013. Erasmus+ is now taking over with more funding opportunities. Black Sea Cross Border Cooperation (http://www.blacksea-cbc.net/) is another funding program IBSU has partnered

მიმდინარე პროექტები პროგრამა  Erasmus+ – კიდევ მეტი დაფინანსება გამოყო თბილისის ფილიალისთვის.      “ევროკავშირის საინტეგრაციო და ფინანსური ბაზრების რეფორმები ვიშეგრადის ქვეყნებში“ – 2015 წელს შზსუ-მ მიიღო ვიშეგრადის  ფონდის საუნივერსიტეტო სწავლების გრანტი, რომელიც მიზნად ისახავს ახალი 5

Research Focus The direction of Informatics carries out research in the following areas: Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Robotics, New trends in Programming, Data Mining and Optimizations. The academic staff participates in various conferences concerning these issues, their papers

Research Focus The direction of Educationcarries out research in the following areas: theoretical (pedagogical, psychological, philosophic) issues of the educational process as well as innovative practices in education and English language teaching. Such issues as teaching / study

Research Focus The direction of International Relations carries out research concerning various aspects of international relations.The academic staff participates in various conferences concerning these issues, their papers are published in conference proceedings and journals. The Faculty of Social

Research Focus The direction of Finance carries out research in the following areas: banking and financial institutions, capital market reforms, insurance sector development, corporate finance related issues, IPO-s in infrastructure sectors, IFRS, FDI, etc. The academic staff participates