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Program description Purpose of the program: The goal of the Bachelor program of Law of the International Black Sea University’s School of Law is to enable the student to: gain in-depth knowledge of the essence of law, system, basic principles, main features

All educational programmes of International Black Sea University are accredited.Accreditation is a type of external evaluation mechanism, which determines the compatibility of an educational programme with standards. State funding goes only to accredited programmes. Accreditation is mandatory for doctoral programmes

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sophio Khundadze The Work /function of Quality Assurance Service Office at IBSU is in accordance with: Georgian Law on Higher Education (Article 25, par. 4) Guidelines of National Center for Quality Enhancement of Georgia

Welcome to Law Faculty of International Black Sea University! Our university and faculty staff are eager to ensure quality education and student-oriented study environment for people interested in law. We offer you education through classic and innovative methods, qualified academic personnel

Vision: Quality higher education is one of the most important factors for building rule of law and justice based society. Healthy development of a society is mostly dependent on the quality and accessibility of education. The input of the Law Faculty

Program of Law at International Black Sea University has been functioning since 2010. It was separated from Social Science Faculty in 2016 and was formed as an independent faculty. Aim of the faculty is to bring up educated, humane, socially responsible, professional