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Program Objective The program provides the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge for employment in the field of marketing and become highly qualified specialists who will be able to conduct business processes and marketing activities in various fields of the economy,

პროგრამის მიზანი მენეჯმენტის საბაკალავრო საგანმანათლებლო  ინგლისურენოვანი პროგრამის მიზანია უზრუნველყოს პროფესიონალიზმზე ორიენტირებული ხარისხიანი განათლება, რომელიც ხელს შეუწყობს კონკურენტუნარიანი, თანამედროვე მენეჯერების მომზადებას და მათ წარმატებით დასაქმებას ბიზნესის სახელმწიფო, კერძო და არასამთავრობო სექტორში მენეჯერული საქმიანობის განსახორციელებლად, როგორც ადგილობრივ, ასევე საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციებში; ასევე, პროგრამის მიზანია სტუდენტს

Program Objective The goal of the Bachelor program of Business Administration is based on the student-centered teaching to prepare competitive specialists who will be able to perform modern business management activities according to the national and international standards in different sectors,

Program Objective The goal of the program is to train specialists who will have a broad knowledge of economic theories, principles, models, and economic policies and will be competitive both in local and international labor markets and continue their studies at

Program Objectives The aim of the bachelor's program in tourism is to prepare competitive/qualified specialists with rich theoretical knowledge and practical and transferable skills according to the requirements of the labor market, considering the specifics of the field. Field of Employment A Bachelor

Program Objective The goal of the Bachelor program in Accounting and Audit is based on student-centered teaching to prepare competitive specialists who will be able to perform modern business management activities according to the national and international standards in different sectors,

Program Objective The goal of the Bachelor program of Finances is based on student-centered teaching to prepare competitive specialists who will be able to perform modern business management activities according to the national and international standards in different sectors, which provides

Program Objective The program provides the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge for employment in the field of marketing and become highly qualified specialists who will be able to conduct business processes and marketing activities in various fields of the economy,

Program Objective The undergraduate management education program aims to provide quality education focused on professionalism, which will contribute to the training of competitive, modern managers and their successful employment in public, private, and non-governmental sectors of business to carry out managerial